Thursday, September 25, 2008

Survivor Fever

I’m gitty with excitement. Today is the premier of my favorite reality series; Survivor: Gabon - Earth's Last Eden. So where on earth is Gabon? Learn more here.

It's hard to believe that I have been watching Survivor for a whopping seventeen seasons. I remember the first season it aired I thought it was THE dumbest TV show ever made. Around the 5th or 6th episode however I was hooked and I have been ever since. I just want to know, where do they find these people…seriously? Wouldn’t it be neat if someone we know personally, or just a normal person was a contestant this season? The above website indicated the 18 contestants competing this fall include an Olympic gold medalist, a Gilmore Girls actress, and a professional video game champion. Can’t wait to see the freak show tonight so don’t you dare call me at 7:00. Don’t even think about. I won’t answer, I won’t I won’t I won’t!

I'll be signing up for Survivor Anonymous first thing tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

debby94 said...

I thought about calling you just to be a brat. Was the first episode good?