Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Parents

My parents, on their wedding day, posing with my dad's parents.
October 1, 1972.

Mom and dad are celebrating 36 years of marriage today. Not many people can say their parents are still married to each other. In school my friends used to say: "I wish I had parents like yours." I would roll my eyes and grumble something like “if you only knew…” I didn’t know how good I had it!
So Mom and Dad ~
Thank you for taking marriage and family seriously.
Thank you for choosing to love one another when it wasn’t always easy.
Thank you for always being there for us.
Thank you for teaching us right from wrong.
Thank you for putting family first.
Thank you for having big and generous hearts.
Thank you for being unselfish and giving.
Thank you for giving your energy, your skills and your time.

Thank you God, for blessing us with very special parents.

I love you mom and dad! Happy Anniversary!

1 comment:

debby94 said...

How cool! Tell them "happy anniversary" for me.
