Wednesday, February 4, 2009

She. (Part 1)

1. She likes to make faces like this for the camera.
2. Her favorite song is Jesus loves me.
3. She's already planning her birthday party, including the guest list, which is SIX months away.
4. She thinks I’m funny and says so about 40 times a day.
5. She loves her puppy, Oliver
6. She’s her daddy’s “blueberry”.
7. She screams "call Poppy" whenever she gets hurt then wants a band aid. Band aids miraculously heal the hurts.
8. She says that monsters come into her room at night and eat her fingers.
9. Every single baby doll she owns is naked.
10. She knows she lives in “Aranonatranslation…Arizona
11. I heard her yellin' at all her babies that they were in the naughty spot for two minutes because they wouldn't eat their dinner.
12. She's really likes to ask "Why?" and will repeat the question over and over and over (and over) again until you come up with a satisfying answer.
13. She asks to "saweep (sleep) in my awmpits (armpits)" translation: sleep in my arms rather than taking a nap in her own bed.
14. She will say “I no love you no more you cry now” then I will cry and she will announce “I love you mamma!”

I love you too Bubba Lou!

*totally stole this idea from a really cute blog I read daily* I hope she won't mind...

1 comment:

debby94 said...

They are the sweetest! Each with their different personalities. What little miracles from God!