Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rambly Ramblings

Hello, just sitting on my blog porch. Thanks for joining me! It’s been a strange few days; I’m in a funk and bein' a grouchy gus too! Snivel, snivel, snivel.
I babysat one of our nieces over the weekend; such a sweet baby. Having another body in the house sort of threw our whole routine out of whack though. The kids and I are still feeling out of sorts and she's been gone since Sunday morning! Good grief!
I got a great surprise from the mailman on Saturday though. I’m taking 9 week online photography course beginning June 22nd and the instructor, Karen Russell, sent a really neat binder all wrapped up so super cute. Maybe it’s a girl thing but I felt really special receiving such a nice “present” to put all of my lessons in. I'm hoping that I will gain some much needed experience in the photography department. I sure do love learning and hopefully Ethel (that's my camera's name) and I will do well. I'm very excited about this course!

My, my, my it’s a B-I-G binder.

We missed church on Sunday due to some conflicts in the babysitting schedule. I was sort of bummed to miss the last message in the “7 series” but it will all work out. Thank goodness I can listen online while the girls nap. Anyway, Matt and I decided to take the girls to see a movie, their first movie! We were amazed at how good they were through the whole movie. They never sit that still long at home! All of us enjoyed the experience and we are looking forward to seeing Ice Age 3 in July.

Well, I've been rambling long enough. As much as I'd like to hang out in my room all day.
This lovely chore awaites!

The picture is proof that sticking to a cleaning/chore schedule is woth it. So glad I don't have 4days worth (that's 2 loads a day) of laundry to fold EVERY day.
The Grouchy Chinobilly Housewife


debby94 said...

How did you like the movie? I took Luke & Alyssa today! We all really liked it!

Stephanie said...

Oh I am so sorry you have the grouchies! It is so hard when the schedule goes bust. I am here with you and we are gonna make it! Nothing has been working like planned lately and I can't get that song "God is in control" out of my head by Twila Perris. It must be stuck for a reason! Praying for you and yours today!
***Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:3-4 (NIV)***