When Matt and I got married, he had his sights set on starting a family
sooner rather than
later. I was slightly more ambivalent; I knew having a child would probably wind up somewhere in my future, but I wasn’t exactly chomping at the bit to procreate. Still, we decided to take a "let nature take its course" approach to family planning—an interesting strategy for a woman who just married a man with 6, count them 6, other siblings. After 5 years of “letting nature take its course” we decided to get serious about starting our family and no one was more excited than Matt. After another year of fertility treatments and heartbreaking let downs we knew the Lord was telling us to stop beating our heads against a wall and adopt so we decided to travel the road of adoption. Again, no one was more excited than Matt – he’s an excitable guy! I was excited too!
So after Kim announced, "
You need to meet us in 5 hours to pick up your twin daughters!" and it was determined that all fingers and toes were present and accounted for, I could feel the fear hovering so thick in the air, I could have cut it with a knife. Though I was beyond ecstatic, praising God for His blessings, I was also scared stiff, in one single instant, my life, my love, metamorphosed into something completely different than what I had imagined it would be.
So when I called my friends to share the news of our amazing blessing, all I could really say was, "So, what do you do with girls?" They all knew the answer, of course, "
what you do with girls" is the same thing you do with boys!
During these last few short years, I gained and lost a total of 56 pounds, went through about 16,000 diapers and made approximately 6,840 bottles. I lost 2,523 hours of sleep and did 31,392,847,287 loads of laundry. God help my poor washing machine. And somewhere along the way, something miraculous happened: I figured out exactly what to do with girls:
We play together, we learn together, we pray together, we work together, we talk together…we make a dang good team! We do this together…
The girls had requested I make cupcakes "for daddy"~ yeah right ~ and we play princess and paint their nails (Bree had been coloring her toenails now for weeks and I was trying to avoid the inevitable).
We baked cupcakes before breakfast so they would have plenty of time to cool. After we got home from MOPS we ate lunch while wearing our tiaras. And had a great talk about princesses and how the girls are God’s princesses. It was a very sweet time just hangin’ with the girls. After lunch we realized the girls needed to wash their feet before I could paint their toenails so we soaked their feet in the bathtub for a bit. Then the nail polish was chosen and the fun began. After the girls toenails and fingernails were all dolled up I frosted the cupcakes, got out the sprinkles and let the princesses go to town decorating "daddy’s" cupcakes.
Life is good, very, very good!