Saturday, May 31, 2008

Scrap Therapy

I got a bit of scrap therapy in last night. Ahhh I feel so much better! I am working on an 8x8 album that has pictures of all, well most, of the visitors we had after we brought the twins home. I think it will turn out really nice when it's all done. *10 years from now*
I had a bad case of mommy guilt though. Aubrey developed a fever yesterday. She had a fever of 101.4 when she got up in the morning. A dose of Tylenol worked so she was fever free for most of the day. Then the fever returned (101.8) after she got up from her second nap. I was really bummed that she wasn't feeling well and I would have to cancel my plans. When I called my parents to let them know they didn't need to come out my mom wouldn't hear of it. She needed her grand baby fix and they were coming out. My parents were so gracious in watching them for me so I could get my scrappin' fix. And this is one of the reason why we live close to family.
Thank you mom and dad! I needed that!

Aubrey seems to be feeling better today now Abby has a cold, a slimy, nasty, coughing cold. I guess going to Luke & Levi's birthday party is out of the question now; we'll see.

Will it ever end?

Monday, May 26, 2008


Yesterday was such a great day! We were surrounded by family and friends as we publicly dedicated Abby & Bree to the Lord. It's always nice to spend the day with the ones you love.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A mommy moment

This morning we were in the middle of doing our normal routine; breakfast, brush teeth, get dressed, brush hair...

I was doing Abby's hair while she was busy playing with one of her toys at the bathroom counter. (She had been pretty quiet this morning since she decided to get up at 5:15 and she was beginning to get tired) She looks up at the mirror and said in the sweetest, most angelic voice "pretty mama" and points to me. Wow, my heart was all twitterpated! What a great thing to hear from my little girl and an awesome way to start the day!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fruit Pops

Does anyone have any good recipes for fruit pops? You know the kind that you put in the little plastic mold and freeze. My kids have come to believe that an ice pop is one of the four primary food groups which sustains life as we know it. I would prefer they have something with less sugar and something a bit healthier.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


A big shout out to Eric ~ Happy Birthday!

Way to go buddy~ you're only a partial away from a full set ~ now that's planning for the future...


Too cute not to post.

Thinking spot....

Thinking cap???(yes that is a pull-up on her head ~ new of course)

Deer Farm

Here are some pictures we took at the Deer Farm near Williams, AZ. I haven't been there since I was 4! Let me tell you, things seem so grand when you are 4, either that or the Deer Farm is shrinking...hmm. Sorry the pictures aren't digitally scrapped. A very mean scrapbook gremlin snuck in and sucked the inspiration right out of me. Sounds like I need some scrap therapy ha?

Enjoy the week everybody!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Stay tuned

Matt and I took the girls to the Deer Farm in Williams on Monday. I haven't downloaded the pics yet but I think I got some cute ones.

Just catchin' up

Hey all, thanks for your care and concern for Aubrey. She is doing fine.

I forgot to mention that the girl's birthmom, Krista, called to wish me a Happy Mother's Day on Sunday. I was so humbled by her sweet act of kindness since I should have called her and thanked her once again for giving me the gift of motherhood. God has a special plan for her I just know it! She has blessed our life completely.

Also, Susie is beginning to feel better. She has had quite a battle with some catheter issues but will be feeling like new once that fiasco is over. Cody gets to come home this weekend which will brighten her spirits tremendously.

It has been a quiet week here are the Bergamini quiet as a house can be with two very busy little girls. Sidewalk chalk is the new fav' so our back patio has become a chalk canvas. Their shirts (in above picture) say it all...I make dirt look good... Too cute!
I've been trying to learn how to use Photoshop Elements 6 as well as my new Pazzles Inspiration Cutter during naps. It's like drinking from a fire hose! But hopefully my pictures AND my scrapbook pages will improve tremendously.
It looks like our summer calendar is filling up quickly so on top of messing around on the computer I am making preparations for several upcoming events. Yay new scrapbook material!

  • The girls dedication at the end of the month

  • A bible study with my "accountability partner" Jen

  • A camping trip in early June

  • Family reunion lodging & making crafts for the auction

  • My niece is coming to visit for a few weeks YAY

  • And a big 4th of July party.

What is the saying? A rolling stone gathers no moss...something like that? Well lets just hope this rolling stone doesn't roll herself into the loony bin!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Prayers ~ Happy Mother's Day ~ The Naked Truth

Please keep our little Aubrey in your prayers. She fell in the nursery at church this morning and hit the side of her head on a wall. She had no visible bumps and other than wanting her mommy and daddy seemed like she would be OK. We left church and headed home when Aubrey began to vomit all over herself and her car seat (you know how much I hate the pukes). She had us pretty scared! We made it home and she was feeling pretty sleepy but everything I had been taught told me not to let her sleep. I gave her a quick sponge bath, which she needed anyway, and that helped to wake her up. She seemed to be feeling better and was acting like her normal self. I spoke to a nurse from our pediatrician's office and she helped relieve my fears of a concussion so we didn't have to take her to the emergency room. I do however have to wake her every 4 hours for the next 2 nights so make sure she isn't showing signs of a concussion. This parenting gig scares the tar out of me sometimes...So anyway, please keep our angel in your prayers for a swift healing.

Happy Mother's Day!

We ended up having a great day with our extended family. Both of our parents came out for lunch along with my grandpa and Matt's grandma. We just enjoyed a quiet spring afternoon together with the girls.

Matt and the girls gave me a card, personally autographed by the kids, and my favorite bottle of perfume. I just love being their mom and that is the best gift of all. But a bottle of perfume is a great bonus!

Here's a shout out to all of you moms. Great job and God bless you always!

The Naked Truth
These girls of ours just crack me up. Potty training is quite possibly the most entertaining part of the kids day, yes we need to get out more, and I'm so glad my camera is almost always close by. This day in particular they had me in tears. I could hardly hold the camera steady to snap their shenanigans for you. I'm thinking that the competitiveness of the twins may aid in the potty training department at least and truthfully they are their greatest cheerleaders.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Gettin' Crafty

I made a Get Well Survival Kit for Susie. It was so much fun! I decorated a paint can with scrapbook paper and ribbon then filled it up with all kinds of goodies to help her feel better. There are several Survival Kit websites but once you get the idea of what you can do the possibilities are endless and fun to personalize too!

Here is what I put in the can.
Hot Tamales ~ to remind that you will be feeling like One Hot Tamale very soon
Needle & thread ~ in case the stitches don’t hold
Life savers ~ to remind you that friends are here to help
Sudoku ~ to keep your mind tarp as a shack… oops, I mean sharp as a tack!
Starburst ~ when you need a burst of energy
Ball ~ to help you bounce back and keep you rolling on the road to recovery
Heart ~ to remind you that you are constantly in our minds and hearts
Tea bag ~ to help you relax
Redneck Jokes ~ Laughter is the best medicine.
Pack of seeds ~ to help you grow stronger
Caramels ~ to remind you that friends always stick together
Race car ~ for a speedy recovery
Clothes pins ~ to help you hang in there
Teddy bear ~ to help your pain be more bearable
Raisinets ~ for when your spirits need raisin
Real Simple Magazine ~ to help you “make life easier”
Hugs-n-Kisses ~ because we love you, love you, love you way beyond the end of the bag
Cake candle ~ for all the get well wishes
Rope ~ for when you get to the end of yours

Also~ I forgot to post these pictures on Sunday.
We did a family craft night and the girls LOVED it.

Matt and I decided that will definitely do more craft nights in the future... and the girls rejoiced!

Update on Susie

I got to talk to Susie this morning. She sounded very tired but her spirits were good. The doctor had trouble even locating her uterus due to the amount of scar tissue etc. The surgeon accidentally pierced her bladder while doing the hysterectomy though. Her bladder was repaired but now Suz will have a catheter for 10 long days. Please continue to pray for Susie's recovery. I will be going to visit her today so I will update you when I have more information.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Prayer Request

Please be in prayer for my friend Susie over the next six weeks. She is having major surgery today and will be in the hospital for a few days then home for the remainder of the six weeks. Pray for the Lord to guide the surgeon and to give her wisdom and gentleness. Pray for the Lord's healing hand to be upon Susie as she embarks on the road to recovery and that she will draw strength from God's faithfulness.

Matthew 18:20 ~ Where two or three gather together because they are mine, I am there among them. (NLT)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Today is the National Day of Prayer

I invite all of you to join in praying for America. Millions of people will be praying for our nation, our leaders, our communities, and our families. I liked this saying on an ad I saw for the National Day of Prayer:
No ocean can hold it back.
No river can overtake it.
No whirlwind can go faster.
No army can defeat it.
No law can stop it.
No distance can slow it.
No disease can cripple it.
No force on earth is more powerful or effective than the power of prayer.

I believe prayer really does make a difference! So let's bow our heads and PRAY!!
~God bless you all~